Monday, April 13, 2009

Can someone interpret this tarot spread please?

Queen of Swords

Briefly: Her future lies in learning to trust others again.

In Detail...

Physically usually (though not always) tall and/or slender woman. Quite often has dark hair. Refined appearance and conservative in dress most of the time. Gracious manner. She prefers sophisticated clothing. Personality is cautious and clever. Can be cunning, destructive and manipulative. She is often aloof and distant. She keeps her distance and puts up barriers around herself. She displays an air of unemotional responses. She may appear hard, selfish and self-controlled. Beneath her facade she hides much previous emotional pain and/or hardship. She has learnt how to survive. She is a woman alone. She is either a widow, divorced, a spinster or without a loving partner. She may have spent a long time on her own and keeps up her defences and her sword drawn to protect her at all times. She has a fondness for red roses. She looks good in black clothing. She likes to wear expensive or perhaps antique and conservative jewellery most of the time, though sometimes she wears some bold jewels. She knows she would or could be seduced if she lets her guard down. She is not a social butterfly. She can seem to be unforgiving in some circumstances, but this is her self-defence mechanism being activated to avoid feeling pain and disturbing emotional reactions. She cries in her sleep, and little elsewhere. She feels more in control if she can avoid having too deep feelings for anyone, lest they puncture her heart and give her reason to despair. She can become big hearted if in the right company and circumstances and when she feels safe and secure. There is hope for her and she is wise enough to know it. She is symbolic of the rose, seductive and potentially dangerous, capable of cutting the skin and making it bleed, yet the soft velvety petals can blossom into the most beautiful arrangement and captivate your heart. She is wistful and reflective, serious yet sensuous, yet always alert. She is capable of being the Goddess or the crucifier. Occupations suited to her would be the head of a company or large organisation. Also she would make a great surgeon, doctor, police officer, dentist or anything that involves the use of sharp items or weapons. She would make a good soldier, warrior, fighter or leader of a revolution. She knows only one truth, her own. Her future lies in learning to trust others again. She has been severely betrayed in the past by women and men alike. She may need to take a leaf out of the book of the Queen of Cups, who is more giving, loving and affectionate. She could have a love relationship but only if total trust exists. There is no room for dishonesty or lies. If she is betrayed, she severs her relationships completely and irrevocably and never goes back. Friends are cast off and not seen again should they make the mistake to betray or abuse her. Her goodwill only stretches so far and behind that she may lose some of her sense of compassion, knowing that others should learn to be more self-reliant, like herself. She may go to the extreme of cutting off her husband%26#039;s head, should he betray or deceive her. Querent%26#039;s card. If this is you, then you may be being called to meet the challenge of your strengths and you will meet this head on regardless of whether this produces success or failure. Even in failure, you will learn where you went wrong and this is the ultimate lesson. If you are not the querent and this card appears, I suggest that you make an ally of this woman, because she can be a powerful opponent if you should cross her. She is loyal and steadfast to those she gets close to, just don%26#039;t mess with her, because you will wish you hadn%26#039;t.

Your World - Your Focus

What surrounds you currently, how others view you, where you are both mentally and spiritually.

Queen of Pentacles

Briefly: You are on your way to fame and fortune.

In Detail...

The picture on this card shows a beautiful woman wearing lovely clothes and a crown on her head, placed on top of lovely beaded headwear. She holds in front of her a large pentacle and her hands are slim and well manicured. She wears a special ring, which has a large oval stone set in it, which is possibly a ruby. There are mountains in the background, similar to those in Hawaii. There is foliage around her and nuts growing on these. Generally she has blue eyes, though could have any eye colour. If you are this person, you are on your way to fame and fortune. You may come into a windfall, marry well, or somehow stumble upon a unique way to increase your income. You will be well liked by your friends and loved by your family and husband. You are serious, yet vulnerable. You are calm, yet can be set back by those who stir conflict around you. The comforts of life are important, more so for your own peace within your own mind knowing that you have what you need. If you are not this woman, then you will meet someone like her who supports you in many and varied ways. If you are a female, this woman will become your most ardent fan and friend. If you are a male, this woman may become your lover or your wife. Cherish her, for she is loyal and affectionate and has your best interests at heart.

Your Lovers World - Their Focus

What surrounds your Lover currently, how others view them, where they are both mentally and spiritually.

Eight of Wands

Briefly: A new love is coming into your life and very swiftly at that.

In Detail...

This card has a picture of eight wands running right across it. For some this can mean that a new love is coming into your life and very swiftly at that. It brings things quickly into focus and gives you the opportunity to seize a brilliant opportunity or improve your life in some way. You could also be about to move to a more tranquil setting in either your home life or the location or your work. A river or other picturesque scene may be part of your new environment, or you may meet someone special in just such a location. If you are planning a pregnancy, now may be your most fertile time. The energy of the season of Spring may make you feel inspired to be especially creative.

Nature of your Issues together

Either past influences or current what surrounds you both.

The Chariot

Briefly: Travel awaits you. Should the other travel card, the six of swords also be in your card layout, then this is an indicator that you are to move across new ground, or maybe even purchase a mode of travel such as a car.

In Detail...

Generally speaking this card depicts some kind of travel. Should the other travel card, the six of swords also be in your card layout, then this is an indicator that you are to move across new ground. However, even by itself, as this is a major arcana card, travel is still a strong possibility. You may travel quite a distance and your goal is to get there, by whatever means you can find, even horseback if necessary. This can also mean that someone is coming from a long distance towards you. For some people this can represent getting a new mode of transport, such as buying your first car, or buying a new car or bike or whatever. The emphasis is on getting to your destination by the quickest route available. This card too is about choices. You may have to make a major decision around this time that will alter your circumstances quite dramatically. Do not resist change for that will disrupt the natural flow of events that are waiting to unfold for you. Also I have seen this card manifest in matters to do with re-decorating the home. Sometimes it is just new curtains or cushions, however the aim is to bring comfort into the home.

Obstacles to overcome

Areas that need to be illuminated, places that need to be worked through.

Ace of Swords

Briefly: Broaden your horizons and make sweeping changes. Your future is about to move ahead in many and varied ways.

In Detail...

When you draw this card, you are being given the urge to broaden your horizons and make sweeping changes. Your future is about to move ahead in many and varied ways. This card cuts aside those things and people that you no longer need or are relevant to your life. This can also too be a fertility card, so if you are seeking to bring a new baby into the world, this can help to manifest it. It is possible that you may feel like making a new beginning in your life and starting over. You could move house, change jobs, get married or have a new baby arrive. Whichever you choose, it will be a welcome change and one that will require additional energy on your part, however you will more than adequately meet the new challenge. Physically, it could mean that an operation is imminent, and that your health is undergoing some changes. It is possible that something has to be removed, whether that be a tooth or other body part, and it may be replaced with an artificial part. This gives the ability to recover quickly and to get on with the rest of your life. You may also be undergong major psychological changes where you are feeling more confident and outgoing. You may start becoming more ambitious or self-motivated and ready to take on new challenges and dare to do more than you have ever done before. Luck is on your side.

Lessons %26amp; Signs to watch for

The Divine Universal watch tower! Signs to signal their impending arrival, areas that need illuminating... only you will know that which needs to be seen.

Three of Wands

Briefly: The seeker of knowledge and truth. He searches until he finds what he is looking for.

In Detail...

This card depicts a man with his back to us though revealing part of his face as he looks out over the hillside. He holds a wand in his hand which has three leaves sprouting from it signifying growth and abundance. In front of him is another wand and behind him the third wand. He is contemplating his future and possibly the journey ahead of him. In the distance are mountains with high peaks. It appears to be an almost barren environment, warm and dry. However he has with him the symbols of growth and can plant wherever he sees fit. He wants to settle down, but must first wander and roam until he finds his true home. This card too is the seeker of knowledge and truth. He searches until he finds what he is looking for.

Your Hopes, Fears, Desires

What is it that your soul really wants and needs.

The Sun

Briefly: There is also the possibility, for those who desire a child, that a pregnancy is imminent. Any new business venture also has the signs of success written on it, so proceed with confidence that all will be well.

In Detail...

This card depicts the Sun and in the front of this are a male and a female looking deep into each others eyes. There are sunflowers on the card, some greenery and a wall in the background. Often this card symbolises Summer or is associated with the sing of Leo. Perhaps an important event will occur around your own Summer month or during the one month time span of Leo which is from July 23 up to August 22. For some this can mean a very special relationship on the horizon, and one that may very well lead to marriage, this will be a successful union and bring much happiness into both people%26#039;s lives. There is also the possibility, for those who desire a child, that a pregnancy is imminent. Any new business venture also has the signs of success written on it, so proceed with confidence that all will be well. Also a distinct possibility is a trip to a warm location in the near future.

Your Lovers Hopes, Fears, Desires

What is it that your lovers soul really thirsts for?

King of Swords

Briefly: Now is the time to make a clean break with what you have been doing up until now.

In Detail...

Physically he is usually tall and relatively slim. Sometimes bearded and with piercing eyes, either blue or black. He sometimes gives an austere appearance. He may look like he doesn%26#039;t smile too often. He may not age well and could tend to look rather weathered or older than he actually is, even at a young age. Mostly he would have dark hair. Conservative in attire most of the time. Serious manner in appearance and clothing. Personality: Can be abrasive, tactless and have a harsh attitude towards life and his efforts for survival. He may have fought various battles, personal or in times of war, that have left him feeling empty and scarred. He may even have a physical scar on his face or hands. He tends to treat people abrubtly, as if they annoy him just by their presence. He is serious and often secretive. Often, what he doesn%26#039;t say, says it all. His look can condemn. He likes to be in charge and in control of his life and his environment. He is generally in business suits or a uniform of some type. He appreciates the discipline of keeping up appearances and likes his boots polished very well. He may actually collect old relics or swords as a hobby and enjoy cleaning and polishing them and putting them on display in his home. He is generally tidy by nature, methodical and despising clutter and useless items. He believes that life is meant to involve hard work and he would not like to be unemployed at any time, as he likes the structures of time and discipline in his well-ordered life. He would appreciate a good steak. He dislikes waste and frivolity. He has the gift of intelligence, commonsense and foresight. He likes to have well-defined plans and goals. He is a stickler for rules and doing his duty. He is a born leader. He appreciates time. He is capable of being the instructor. Occupations suited to him would be the head of a company or large organisation. Also he would make a great surgeon, doctor, police officer, dentist or anything that involves the use of sharp items or weapons. He would make a good soldier, warrior, fighter or leader of a revolution. His future lies in being more open to others if he is to feel fulfilled at the end of his life. He could fall in love again, or renew his vows with his wife if already married. He is faithful though observant of the beauty of women. He especially admires women of grace and good manners. He is as vulnerable as the next man, but rarely shows it. He will have a relationship if she shows enough direct interest in him. Querent%26#039;s card. If this is you, now is the time to make a clean break with what you have been doing up until now. Sever the past and start anew. You can heed the challenge. You are brave and can face anything the future holds. Just say yes! If you are not the querent and this card appears, I suggest that you allow this person to be themselves. Do not stand in this man%26#039;s way, he will rollercoaster over you without even noticing you were stood there in the first place. He can be the most sincerest friend, only after you have proven your friendship to him, never before.

What Challenges your Relationship

Areas that require awareness and attention.

The Tower

Briefly: For some people this can mean a radical change in their lives that was unexpected. It can be major house move, change of location to a totally different area or country, a divorce, or other sudden development which means you have to adapt to the ever changing forces around you.

In Detail...

This is an awesome card to look at. There is a picture of a tower and in the background is a storm and lightening. There are dark clouds and the sea leaps up around the building. There are people leaping from the windows to escape the blazing inferno. For some people this can mean a radical change in their lives that was unexpected. It can be major house move, change of location to a totally different area or country, a divorce, or other sudden development which means you have to adapt to the ever changing forces around you. Sometimes if means that a radical overhaul of your life is needed to put things into a different perspective for you. You may have been in a rut or felt unable to make new changes, and the energy of this card shows that somehow an event will occur that gives you the opportunity to do just that. If some disaster does strike that you have difficulty coping with, be aware that for some reason there is a lesson or a message in the experience for you to learn from. If a relationship ends around this time, take heed that this was meant to be, and that your resistance to move with the ever changing tide will be made more difficult if you do not adapt. It will be easier on yourself if you can remain flexible and ready to do whatever you have to do when the time comes.

The Final Outcome

The Final Card, the outcome of it all, the future of your relationship.

Page of Cups

Briefly: Time to discover some new career direction that will lead you towards prosperity.

In Detail...

The picture on this card is of a youngish person, who is often male, though this can indicate a female. He is colourfully dressed and wears a hat and some plumage in it. He carries some red flowers, and a cup with a fish jumping about in it. He looks content and yet very innocent. He could be about to embark on a new career or had just graduated from college, university or from law school. He is clean shaven, either blue or black eyes and has lovely sleek hair. He loves to wear bright coloured clothing which reflects his warmth and compassion for others. If you draw this card and the person is yourself, you may discover some new career direction that will lead you towards prosperity. If it is someone else, they could become very important to you, either by becoming your new best friend, or your lover or husband/wife. This person is also highly sensitive and should therefore only mix with people who are positive and enthusiastic. There may also be some special occasion coming up where you have to put on your best threads.

Can someone interpret this tarot spread please?

What was the question??

Queen of Swords ~ This card shows a person who has emotionally suffered, this person is strong willed, direct. This person is emotionally independant - so may be alone.

Your World - Your Focus. What surrounds you currently, how others view you, where you are both mentally and spiritually.

Queen of Pentacles ~ This card shows a down to earth attitute, good health %26amp; family. This person is a mother earth type figure. Reliable, loving %26amp; calm.

Your Lovers World - Their Focus. What surrounds your Lover currently, how others view them, where they are both mentally and spiritually.

Eight of Wands ~ This brings rush, being busy, a positive card of information %26amp; activity. When it comes to love it tell to take action yourself.

Nature of your Issues together. Either past influences or current what surrounds you both.

The Chariot ~ This card tells of a rough journey or time - but of a safe arrival. Issues should be kept in control.

Obstacles to overcome. Areas that need to be illuminated, places that need to be worked through.

Ace of Swords ~ This is a card of truth, linked to the Q of Swords. A harsh reality is seen, changing opinions.

Three of Wands ~ This is a decision card, time has come to allow what is needed within a situation to unfold.

Your Hopes, Fears, Desires. What is it that your soul really wants and needs.

The Sun ~ This is happiness, love %26amp; sincerity.

Your Lovers Hopes, Fears, Desires. What is it that your lovers soul really thirsts for?

King of Swords ~ This is a card of strong dominance, being in control.

What Challenges your Relationship

Areas that require awareness and attention.

The Tower ~ This is similar to the Ace of Swords - Truth. It represents the ego being shattered so that issues can no longer be ignored.

The Final Outcome, the outcome of it all, the future of your relationship.

Page of Cups ~ Predominantly this is a card of trust %26amp; intuition.

As a quick over view this shows a relationship where there is a power struggle, some one has to give, but to do that somone has to be controlled. There is positive energy here, but it must not be hidden behind as honesty needs to be the focus.



Want 2 Buy Plastic Flip Over Tiles 2 Match a Pair of Pictures. It's a Memory Board game from the late 1970's.

Want to find and purchase the mid %26quot;1970%26#039;s%26quot; board game that had plastic flip tiles with pairs of pictures on one side. It had pairs of pictures, of items, such as: apples, girl, woman, man, heart, flowers, doll, fish, duck, dog, cat, frog, jack in box, drinking glass, tea cup, all house hold items, sea shell, umbrella, hammer, shovel, water pail, rope, ball, balloon, ladder, fireman, firetruck, car, ambulance, %26amp; etc. When it was your turn to play, U had to remember where a particular picture was and try to find the matching picture. If U did remember and located the pair, then, U went on to try and get as many pairs of pictures as U could get, by flipping the plastic blocks or tiles over. If U failed to match a pair of pictures, then, your turn was over until your next turn. The size was about a 15%26quot; X 15%26quot; sq. made of hard plastic. Maybe a bit smaller. Don%26#039;t remember the toy companys%26#039; name. Please reply answer if U know where I can locate this Memory Match a Pair Board Game. Thank U.

Want 2 Buy Plastic Flip Over Tiles 2 Match a Pair of Pictures. It%26#039;s a Memory Board game from the late 1970%26#039;s.
toys r us has a game that sounds like what you are looking for it is called Memory Game. You can get it with different pictures like Barney or Mickey Mouse. I think its what you are talking about I hope this helps.
Reply:Where can I find information on all olderMemory Match a Pair, board games that were manufactured in 1970%26#039;s? Report It

Reply:use a search engine...






commericial loan

I have a wedding ceremony for June 2007.?

What do I do now that me and my husband have set the date?

Do we make reservations now? Do we pick flowers now? I heard ppl make wedding dates a year prior but what happens now? Does anyone know what do we do after we set the date? How does one prepare for this day? I already have made plans for weight loss but that is for the I wait to buy a dress or does it matter how much in advance to purchase a dress?

It is going to be a simple, small wedding ceremony. Any ideas? Any suggestions? Help!!!!!!!

I have a wedding ceremony for June 2007.?
First, try not to set a weight loss goal for your dress, you are already under alot of stress, and your man loves you how you are. If you do plan to loose weight, buy the dress to fit your current weight as it is easier to take a dress in than let it out.

The reservations depend on your city. The larger the city, the sooner you need to book. I booked all my vendors as soon as I could. It is just one more thing off your mind.

Sounds like you need to go th They can provide you with a timetable for everything and their talk page allows you to ask other brides to be these questions.

Congrats and good luck
Reply:The first thing you need to do is book the reception site and the place the ceremony will take place. If the places you want are booked already you may have to change your wedding date. Things book up fast. Sometimes 3yrs in advance! You can buy your dress at any time, but I recommend waiting until you have lost the weight. This way you will pay less for alterations. I don%26#039;t recommend buying a dress in a smaller size now either. You can always take in a dress you can%26#039;t add to one. You should also start working on you guest list. That can be alot of work. Also start thinking about your wedding party if you are having one. There is alot too do. Don%26#039;t stress out about it! You have alot of time. You can purchase really neat wedding planners at Hallmark. I got mine there it tells you what to do month by month up until the marriage. Hope this helps.
Reply:Register at (for free). They have a great month by month checklist that can really help you out!!
Reply:You should start looking for where you want to have the ceremony and reception and try to get those reserved. June is a busy month for weddings, so booking those places is important to do as soon as you can. You%26#039;ll also want to start looking for a photographer, florist, musicians, etc, basically anyone that you want to hire for your wedding.

If you want to lose weight, start now. I see so many questions, %26quot;how can I lose 50 pounds in 2 weeks?%26quot; or similar. A reasonable weight loss goal is 1 - 2 pounds per week. So plan ahead and get started right way. (Check out for weight loss. It%26#039;s a free site and very helpful.)

For your dress, you might want to start looking in bridal magazines or websites to get an idea of what you want. Some dresses have to be ordered and it can take a few months. So, while you don%26#039;t need to do that right away, don%26#039;t put it off too long. You should start looking in the fall, I think.

Explore some wedding websites for ideas and checklists of what to do. is a good site. Also and
Reply:First thing is to think of a theme for your wedding. Do you want formal or casual? Then book your ceremony and reception location and the details will fall into place after that. Typicall you book your florist, photographer, DJ/Entertainment and get your Bridal Gown after booking your location. And the best locations book up VERY fast in June because the weather is usually the best of the year so I recommend booking your location ASAP if you want a Saturday night.
Reply:Make any reservations now because alot of places need a years notice and a deposit to make sure you get the place. As for your dress, you should start looking 9 months prior to the wedding, especially if you plan to loose weight because you%26#039;ll have to go for fittings and alterations if your size is changing. I bought my dress only 1 month ahead of time, but I had no plans to loose weight because I know my husband loves me the way I am and to be honest, with the stress of a wedding, the last thing you need is a diet, but thats up to you. Check out They can give you some planning advice.
Reply:You%26#039;re best bet on this one is to go to It will give you a checklist and tell you what you should be doing now. They offer all sorts of groups, one of which is to help motivate you for weight loss.
Reply:#1 Book your venue (these get booked a year or more in advance sometimes)

#2 Book your photog. between 8 and 12months before the day- b/c they are either avail. or not. Florists and bakeries can do more than 1 wedding a day- whereas the Photographer needs to be booked just for you.

#3 The dress. These can take up to 3months unless you buy off the rack. You can start looking now, but I would buy 6-8months before the big day. That way there is time for alterations and time for you to buy accessories (veil/shoes/jewelry) that match. A good tip is to buy a dress that has a %26quot;lace-up%26quot; back. That way you can gain/lose 10lbs or so and not have to worry about alterations (which can sometimes cost more than the dress). And most dresses need to have a bussle installed after it comes in from the manufacturer. You need to leave at least 3months leeway for this king of thing- Also in case there is an error in shipping etc.

#4 Go buy a bridal magazine- or register for free at or They will offer %26quot;planning tools%26quot; that come w/ timeline info. Any bridal magazine will also have this info.

The key is to start. That is the hardest part. Once you get started, you will be fine. Do one thing at a time, then move on to the next thing.

Good Luck!
Reply:If you have a good idea of what you are looking for as far as a church, reception hall , dj, etc. jump on it. I started planning 8 months prior, and most places were all ready booked. Good luck

world history

How do you make sure if a rose bush is any good?

I know absolutely nothing about planting but I am very much willing to learn. I am interested in planting a rose bush. I started to purchase one from the store the other day and this girl looked at the rose stem that I had and said that it looked like it may not be any good. I told her that I didnt know anything about growing flowers so I just put it back on the shelf and paid for my other items and left. Any rose experts out there advice is much needed.

How do you make sure if a rose bush is any good?
Some roses are more disease resistant. I like Tropicana or Peace. I would buy a potted rose bush instead of a bareroot it is easier for a beginner. Make sure the branches are as thick as you can get them. I like to purchase ones with as many thick branches as I can. The branches should not criss cross each other. Make sure you plant only after all frost is over. Use fertilizer as indicated on the package. After the rose blooms and dies, cut off the dead rose so that others will then bloom in its place. Make sure that you plant the rose in full sun.
Reply:Roses are very easy to grow! If you are looking at the small kinds in the plastic bags, they are mostly in the dormant stage. If you wonder if the stem is alive, try to bend it a bit. If it is flexible that means it%26#039;s alive, if it breaks, I would not buy it. I would suggest going to a garden store to purchase rose plants. Buy them in a pot and the people there can give you tips for planting. They may be a few dollars more, but the extra advice is worth the money!
Reply:Roses are not the best choice for a novice because so many things can go wrong.

That said, the clerk could have been full of baloney because she didn%26#039;t even tell you what she was looking at. Stems can be kind of gnarly looking.

Here%26#039;s a good article on what to look for
Reply:If you were looking at those bagged roses, It should have min. 3 branches bigger in diameter than a pencil. It should have firm leaf buds that have not started to elongate and leaf out (no longer than 1/2%26quot; from stems).

A lot of the bag roses are not good in every zone.

I recommend a Pink Knockout for the beginner.
Reply:When you purchase a plant always get the ones with the most new growth.This helps to ensure your plant has good, established roots. Also check the dirt and around the new growth, and back of leaves for bugs. That is the most common problem when it comes to getting a good plant. Look for webs as they indicate that the plant may have spider mites ( not good). They are really small and are about the size of pin heads. If you are at a garden center or nursery you can get them to spray the plant if you are unsure. I hope this helps. Good luck and Happy Hunting!

breast cyst

Secret Santa HELP!?

I have been at my job location for an estimated year. In that time I have only gotten to know a hand full of people and there are a still large number of people that I do not know.

I signed up for Secret Santa and pulled the name of a co-worker I do not know. I do not have a great deal of time to purchase the gift. I was thinking that maybe I would buy my female co-worker something from Bed and Bath, some chocolates, a collection of tea, or flowers. Would any of these things be appropriate as a gift for someone that I do not know?

I do not want to resort to giving my co-worker a gift card from Wal-Mart of Target.

Secret Santa HELP!?
Anyof those things that you mentioned I am sure would be fine with your co-worker!


Yahoo Answers Fan Club!
Reply:okay okay calm down i have a good gift for my moms birth day we gave her a moonlite path perfume and misc. gift set 2 good points about it are she loved it and it even smelt nice to a 18 year old that dosnt like perfume smells
Reply:i would say get him or her a gift card to the mall so they can pick out what they want
Reply:I think any of the things you mentioned would be great! I mean since u don%26#039;t know her! GOOD LUCK!!!
Reply:No no, if she is a girly kinda girl, get her a nice bath robe and some choclates and bubble bath, tell her to have a nice nite to herself. Maybe throw in some candles and scented (lilac scented) bubble bath. I don%26#039;t know how much you want to spend, but that would be a good idea. If she is butchy then tickets to go see the crash derby :-) hehehe but the first idea would be good
Reply:I think the tea collection in nice or maybe flavored instant coffee....I love coffee but some people don%26#039;t drink the instant stuff. And I think you can never go wrong with chocolate although unfathomable to me , I have heard that some people don%26#039;t eat chocolate

This just came to might sound stupid but here it goes....have someone else casually ask them what radio station this person listens to and then call the station(if it is not one u listen to) and ask them what a popular artist or song is on that station right now and get them that CD....okay I know it sounds silly but I just had to say it

good luck
Reply:bath and body works sounds good.

beauty quotes

Marketing features for colour capsicum?

The agriculture field has going to hightech method of cultivation. In these feature the farmers are ready to go this type of cultivation. In gren house cultivation flowers are randemly cultivated in india, followed by the capsicum. but the borrowers are fear regarding how to market the CAPSICUM and utlizaion features, there is any chance for export in to near by countries, any company to purchase the capsicum, prevaling market rate etcc...

Marketing features for colour capsicum?
pizza topping --that%26#039;s one can think of in case of u can supply to fast food plazas,restaurents or hotels...... as indian capsicum market is very big..just try it..

nned more help lemme know..
Reply:i have seen red yellow colour capsicums in hyper market vegetable sections at aprox rs 90 per kg in muscat Lulu hyper markets

If you need any support you can mail me at for marketing and business generation

skin color charts

I need to decorate a wire basket, what unique ideas can I use?

I need to decorate a wire basket. My company is having a fundraiser for an employee who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. To participate in the fundraiser you could purchase a basket for $5 then it was up to you to decorate it, transform it, anything goes. There will be a silent auction of the baskets and they%26#039;ll be judged. I want to do something unique, but can%26#039;t think of a thing. I was hoping for ideas other than a gift basket or floral arrangement. I can paint it, cut it, hang things off of it, anything, but my mind draws a blank. My basket is around the size of a hanging basket most often used for flowers. Can anyone help me?

I need to decorate a wire basket, what unique ideas can I use?
Fabric strips! My daughter%26#039;s art class did this with plastic baskets. They took patterned fabric and cut it into strips about 1%26quot; x 3%26quot;. They tied the strips around each section of the plastic mesh, making the outside of the basket %26#039;fuzzy%26#039; or %26#039;fluffy%26#039;. (Tie several strips to each section) One child added thick yarn, like we used to wear for hair-bows, randomly through her pattern.

Count on lots of people weaving strips of fabric in and out, so this texture would be more unique.

A cute idea would be to make it shades of pink, and fill it with pink cosmetic items (nail polish, emery boards, lotion, etc.)

Second idea:

Use pink and/or purple tulle (nylon net) for the fabric strips, especially if you can find sparkly stuff. Fill the basket with fairy-princess items (tiara, hair things, sparkly play makeup) for a little girl.
Reply:go to your local craft store and just browse around, look for things you could use and even if you dont get anything it should give you some good ideas
Reply:What I would do is line it with a mossy/staw type material , have pieces poking out in random spots. Attach one or two of those realistic looking birds used for crafts and hot glue them to the top edge. Add a chain link (a thin one) to three spots and make it a hanging basket...add one or two artificial butterflies or bees onto the chain. Get a hook for the top , tie a raffia bow around the bottom of the hook , just for looks. I think it would come out a birds nest plant hanger...or you can even just use it outdoors as a decorative storage piece , throw your extra packets of seeds , or keep matches for the grill in it , gardening gloves...I know you are not planning on using it , but I think it would be nice to have a story behind your creation if anyone asks what it is used for. Good Luck %26amp; Have Fun!
Reply:I have one on my coffee table. I placed potpourri in it and placed a large jar candle in the middle and used as a center piece


What kind of lenses should a photographer have?

I%26#039;m getting a Canon Rebel XTi and I want the right lenses. I%26#039;m getting 3 lenses with it, but in the future I hope to have a selection of lenses to choose from.

I mostly take pictures of kids (who are often on the move), flowers, scenery, and of course portraits. I love macro shots, and was wondering if you can do that even without a macro lens? I also want a lens where I can shoot things far away...

The lenses the camera comes with are generic, but it%26#039;s all I can afford right now. I am planning on getting Canon%26#039;s in the future.

1) Tamron 28-80mm f/3.5-5.6 Wide Zoom Lens

2) Tamron 75-300mm g4-5.6 LD Macro AF Lens

3) 1 Pro Wide-Angle lens (Brand unknown)

Please don%26#039;t give an answer like Tamron%26#039;s suck, or anything like that. I%26#039;m looking for suggestion of lenses I can purchase in the future.

Thank you!

What kind of lenses should a photographer have?
Congratulations and good luck on your purchase! Many people swear by their Tamron lenses and they have a pretty good reputation of quality for the price.

You are on the right track by deciding what type of subjects you want to photgraph and selecting lenses based on that objective.

For pictures of kids and for portraits the 28-80 you have selected is already a pretty good choice because it is relatively %26quot;fast%26quot; (has a lower F number) than the 75-300.

When a lens is described as %26quot;fast%26quot; it means that it lets in more light so you can use faster shutter speeds. This is handy when shooting kids because it is easier to stop action and take sequences of shots with a faster shutter speed.

Faster lenses are also desirable for portrait work because they generally have better %26quot;bokeh%26quot;, a term which refers to a lenses ability to render areas of the picture surrounding the main subject as %26quot;soft%26quot; (blurred/out of focus). Many old, 35mm camera, manual focus lenses are bought and sold on eBay as portrait lenses for digital cameras because they can be used on specific digital models and they are available in very fast (F2.8 -- F1.2) types. I would check to see what 35mm camera lenses, if any, will fit your camera (usually with an adapter) and check them out on auction sites. If you use the lens at the 40-80mm zoom range you will generally get good perspective and be working at a comfortable distance from the person you are photographing. The wider settings will usually give a distorted perspective (Big nose/chin, tiny ears, etc.)

The 75-300mm lens should be good for far away subjects such as local sports, dangerous news events and some nature photography. For professional sporting events and wildlife you would most likely need a longer lens with more magnification. These lenses can get BIG and HEAVY and usually require a tripod. Canon has a large selection of such lenses and the discussion of uses and merits would take pages. Until you have a better idea of what limitations you are running into that is not yet something to consider.

For Macro photography there are many ways to increase magnification besides buying macro lenses. If you have patience and are willing to experiment you can get extension tubes or bellows that will allow your exisitng lenses to focus significantly closer to a subject, but you often have to use them in manual focus mode and set the F setting manually. That is a great way to learn and manual focus is often better in macro photos because there is very little margin for error.

You can also get close-up lenses that screw onto the front of your basic lenses and allow those lenses to focus closer. This may not be as good quality as extension tube/bellows unless you buy very good quality lenses but it can get you started.

I recomend that your next purchase be a good quality tripod or monopod because having a very stable camera is one of the greatest keys to quality images.

Most importantly, take pictures and have FUN!!
Reply:You should look into the 50mm 1.8 lens. it is cheap, and very useful.
Reply:I agree with the %26quot;buy a 50mm F/1.8%26quot; lens. It%26#039;s less than $100 (I think around $50 used) and very good optical quality considering the price.

I think you have a good lens selection. You *can* take macro shots without a macro lens. It sounds like you%26#039;re on a budget, so look for macro filters. Once you get your lenses, look on the front, it will have threads. It should say what size thread it is, I%26#039;m guessing 52mm or 55mm. Now look on ebay and buy a (or a set of) macro lens(es) in that size. My opinion is that I%26#039;d rather have one +10 lens (that%26#039;s ten diopters, a LOT) versus a set of, say +1, +2, +3. You tend to get better quality using one lens versus stacking a bunch.

When doing macro, remember to stop down (use a larger aperture number) to get a more reasonable depth of field. Also consider lighting. As you stop down you need a longer shutter time, so maybe consider getting a tripod and/or light.

I use the Rebel XT as my backup camera, and I%26#039;m not too happy with the battery life, especially when using flash. I would buy a spare battery, and I%26#039;ve had good luck with the off-brand %26quot;Impact%26quot; which is sold on

Good luck, happy shooting!

makeup tips

Is it okay to take a bouquet back in 24 hours?

I am getting married in late february and went to pick out my bouquet last night. I found one and put a $50 deposit down. I am making my own table arrangements and late last night after thinking about it i realized i may want to just make my bouquet also, due to the fact it would be way cheaper and id get to use the same flowers i found at the store. Is it okay to take a bouquet back? Or could i purchase something else there like the crosages and such. I dont wanna be rude and i dont wanna lose my money :(

Is it okay to take a bouquet back in 24 hours?
it seems fine to me

just tell them the plan has changed, they probobly deal with this sort of thing all the time
Reply:There would probably be a cancellation fee, so you might want to do like you suggested and get your groom%26#039;s and groomesmen%26#039;s boutineers there. If you%26#039;re doing corsages for the mothers, you could get those as well.
Reply:You%26#039;ll probably lose your deposit. Think twice about making your own bouquet, though. It isn%26#039;t as easy as you might think, it will take up a lot of time the night before your wedding, and the flowers won%26#039;t stay fresh for as long. I really suggest sticking with the florist for your bouquet.

Don%26#039;t worry about the flowers not being exact matches for the centerpieces. You could make them match, but no one is going to compare your centerpieces to your bouquet. And don%26#039;t worry about the cost. Apparently, you were comfortable with the cost originally, so you%26#039;re probably still comfortable with it now.
Reply:I%26#039;m sure they are used to it. So yes it%26#039;s %26quot;okay%26quot; to do- but you%26#039;ll have to check with their policies to see if you%26#039;ll be losing money or whatnot. Just go there and talk to a manager, see what can be arranged.
Reply:The point of a deposit is so when people change their minds after the fact, the floral shop isnt out the money for their time spent with you.
Reply:Hi. Do you mean that you purchased a bouquet (silk?) for $50? I%26#039;m not understanding that you %26quot;Put a $50 deposit down?

In any case, yes, I don%26#039;t see why the store would not take back a bouquet especially if you purchased it last night. Just bring your receipt with you.
Reply:Just go back to the store you put the deposit down at, and tell them that you;ve changed your mind. Unless, you signed a contract saying that you can%26#039;t get your deposit back, i wouldn%26#039;t worry. If you are unable to get the money back, use it towards something else for your wedding.
Reply:it%26#039;s not to late to cancel your order I wouldn%26#039;t think. there is no way they have started them yet anyways.

your not being rude! It%26#039;s your big day and we all make changes to suit us and what we really want!

Go back and get your money!
Reply:I%26#039;m pretty sure you won%26#039;t be the only bride they%26#039;ve ever met who%26#039;s changed her mind.. LOL Just tell them you want to substitute something else in place of the bouquet, they%26#039;ll be fine with that this early on.

tax credit

Where can I find an appropriate white dress?

I’ve been selected as a Junior Marshal for this year’s graduation. I’m excited- but as a female marshal I have to purchase a dress that meets the following requirements:

+It must be white

+It must adhere to school dress code (i.e.- not strapless or thin strapped)

+No cleavage (I can put a tank under a low dress though)

+Appropriate skirt length (at least to my knees)

+Nothing see-through

+No flowers or lace attached to the dress

Anyone know where I can find a dress like that without breaking the bank?

Where can I find an appropriate white dress?

I hope that helps!
Reply:bebe has party and professional dresses.

look online.. you%26#039;ll find some cute ones.
Reply:victorias secret
Reply:maybe try forever 21

otherwise just go to a mall and walk around until you find a store which looks like it would have what you%26#039;re looking for
Reply:Try Kohl%26#039;s, Dillard%26#039;s, Macy%26#039;s. Or any other nice store near you. Not WalMart nor Sears.


What is the correct color of blue velvet?

I am trying to match up my colors for my wedding. The blue velvet it%26#039;s showing me on David%26#039;s Bridal site is like a royal blue. I went to purchase the color swatch at DB%26#039;s store and it is a dark color almost a navy blue color. Now I have bought royal blue ribbon have used it, to now compare it to a different color. I don%26#039;t want to keep spending anymore money trying to get the same color. But I don%26#039;t know what to do. What can I do about the flowers I have already bought and added them to decoration but it%26#039;s not the right color?

What is the correct color of blue velvet?
The blue velvet in David%26#039;s Bridal is really royal blue. My sister had the David%26#039;s Bridal dresses in %26quot;blue velvet.%26quot; We bought silky/satiny royal blue ribbons of all types/sizes at Michael%26#039;s and they matched just fine. You didn%26#039;t say what color the flowers themselves were, but my sister had light blue hydrangeas, white roses, white stephanotis and baby%26#039;s breath, green ivy, along with royal blue and white ribbons in the bouquets. It turned out lovely.


How do you get channels on harvest moon ds?

here is what this website said.

Mercury (Channel 1): No need to unlock he is around from the beginning of the game

Venus (Channel 2) : Purchase at least 1 item every day for 10 days from the supermarket

Earth ( Channel 3): Find 20 sprites

Mars ( Channel 4) : Ship 300 crops, flowers, milk, eggs, or wool

Jupiter (channel 5) : buy 5 records from Tenjin

Saturn(Channel 6) : View 3 events

Uranus (Channel 7) : Have 100 friend points with any of the people in the Valley.

Neptune (Channel 8) : No need to unlock he is around from the beginning of the game.

Pluto (Channel 9) : Ship 100,000 of the same item.

What does channel 6 mean

How do you get channels on harvest moon ds?
You need to participate in three festival contests to get this. Odds are you won%26#039;t get this till until late fall because you probably won%26#039;t be able to participate in the first duck or chicken contests.

You can participate in the Cooking Contest on Spring 22 if you enter a Grape Juice you can buy from Karen%26#039;s store. You won%26#039;t win of course, but at least it%26#039;s one step closer to unlocking channel 6.

The channel will tell you what event will happen in the season you are in...Useful, but you can get that same information out off other FAQS online.

skin disease

Would this look strange?

The bouquets that I have now have white calla lilles and white roses in my and my bridesmaids bouquets. Recently I have just fallen in love with this one bouquet I have found which is all white calla lillies and it%26#039;s the kind of bouquet you can see the stem of the flowers on. Now my question is would it look silly if I had only calla lillies and they had both? I%26#039;m undecided on if I should make the purchase or not I don%26#039;t want it looking off balance.

Would this look strange?
I personally think it would look beautiful, very fresh, clean and sophisticated.
Reply:it would look fine
Reply:It is your wedding. Anything you chose for your flowers will be gorgeous!! You want your bouquet to be a little different for your bridesmaids so doing yours only calla and theirs both would be beautiful!!

Good luck and congratulations!!
Reply:I dont think it would look silly. I actually have seen a lot of brides adding something extra to their bouquets so I could think the opposite would be fine too.
Reply:i don%26#039;t think so. you%26#039;re the bride, you have a different dress, you should be able to have different flowers as well :D.
Reply:It%26#039;s very common for the bride to have a different bouquet from her bridesmaids. You%26#039;re wearing a different dress too! If you like it and think it looks good, go right ahead. It%26#039;s your wedding; there is no %26quot;right%26quot; or %26quot;wrong%26quot; way to do it.
Reply:Yeah that would be a good idea. You need to stand out. It is your day
Reply:This is your special day so whatever you want is what you need to pick.

I once went to a wedding where the bridesmaids carried a single calla lilly and it looked very elligant.

Good luck!
Reply:I think it would be good to have differnt flowers for yourself.
Reply:I think it sounds very pretyy

Congradulations :)
Reply:I think that would lokk very pretty. It is simaler to what I am doing im white lillies and my bridesmaids are wearing purplr dresses so I im going to some kind of purple flower in mine
Reply:its your day and you can do what ever you please. you know yourself what you like, so go with that your day and no one will say anything you will look wonderful. everything will do as you plan.
Reply:i think it would be just fine....yours is supposed to be different than theirs so that you stand out since it%26#039;s your day...good luck and congratulations!
Reply:its your day you do what ever you want
Reply:It might look like a funeral bouquet


Teacher appreciation week is upon us. I have planned for each student to bring in a daily gift for their...?

teacher. Common items are flowers (check) chocolate (check) handmade card (check) but I need two more ideas that are unique. Do you have a reasonable suggestion? I am not going out to purchase 16 dvds!

Teacher appreciation week is upon us. I have planned for each student to bring in a daily gift for their...?
Reply:an apple


Should nannies buy birthday presents for the dads they work for?

I watch three kids for a very nice family with a mom and a dad. I have been working there for a little over a year. The dad%26#039;s birthday is on Monday and I don%26#039;t know if I should get him something!

I did purchase $18 in art supplies and with the kids made a large book with about eight pictures and stories by the kids. I helped them think of ideas and design the layout of the book. It%26#039;s not exactly professional looking, but there%26#039;s a lot of funny, cute, sentimental stuff in there.

I just don%26#039;t know what else to do for him. For the mom%26#039;s birthday back in October, I brought her flowers and a card. But she%26#039;s a woman so it seems different to me. I don%26#039;t know.

Should nannies buy birthday presents for the dads they work for?
The book you made with the kids should be sufficient, and it was very nice of you. I wouldn%26#039;t get him anything else, except maybe card. I agree, her being a woman makes it different. Since he%26#039;s both your employer and a married man, it%26#039;s a good idea to keep it professional between the two of you.
Reply:From an etiquette standpoint and someone who has used a nanny in the past a card is all that is sufficient. If you go and purchase something you are crossing into grounds of it getting too personal. A card it saying %26quot;you care%26quot; and and that is all that is needed. You stated that you gave that wife some flowers and a card and that is appropriate. The gifting you did with the kids for their Father was quite appropriate and very thoughtful. Good question. A star for you.
Reply:I agree with the other posters here and say that a card is probably just right. Especially these days when in situations like these we need to avoid any impression of impropriety.
Reply:I agree, a card is enough, especially as he%26#039;ll know it was thanks to you the kids made the book.
Reply:I think a nice card would be sufficient.
Reply:maybe you should buy him a tie or a journal. nothing too expensive because it is unprofessional.

Payday Loan